Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Message - The Incredible Edible Egg

Eggs have been in the media for many years as "good" then "bad" and then "good" again.  As a Registered Dietitian, I routinely receive questions about eggs and how many people should have in a day or week.  For most healthy people, eggs are a great source of protein and an important part of a balanced diet.  Individuals may require different amounts of eggs based on their family history of heart disease and current cholesterol level or how many milligrams of cholesterol they eat throughout the day.  There is no one-size-fits-all recommendation so it I would suggest talking with a Dietitian. However, this eggs-cellent link from the Kids Eat Right Campaign will provide you with the nutrition information in an egg as well as the latest research on cholesterol consumption for healthy people.

The key to keeping eggs healthy is to avoid the heavy additives such as butter/margarine when cooking eggs for breakfast or mayonnaise when making eggsalad or deviled eggs.  Another quick tip:  Consume more egg whites than egg yolks!

How do you like your eggs?  I like mine basted!

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