Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Message - Healthy Fast Food?

I was speaking with someone recently who is trying to make healthy changes to their diet and this person exclaimed to me "I ordered salad at a Fast Food restaurant for the first time!"  Some of us do not think of ordering salads at Fast Restaurants because these visits are often considered "treats" and we want to enjoy something tasty that the chain is known for like a burger or french fries.  Others eat Fast Food regularly due to the close proximity of these establishments to our homes, school and work or along the usual commute and need to substitute those burgers and fries for healthier options.  If you find yourself eating fast food two or more times per week it is a good idea to find the healthy alternatives on the menu and give them a try!

For breakfast, order a plain egg muffin sandwich with just Canadian bacon or try the oatmeal without brown sugar.  Another good bet?  Fruit!

Try the salads at lunch and ask for low-calorie dressings.  Even Fast Food salads can load on the calories with all of the extras.  Skip anything "fried" on your salad.  Again, order fruit to go with your meal.

Running through a drive-thru with the family between music lessons and soccer practice? Opt for plain hamburgers, fruit and milk.  If they have baby carrots or side salads....even better!

Skip the beverages.  Our bodies do not need all of the sugar in pop (or the artificial sweeteners in diet pop), juice, mocha drinks, smoothies or sweetened teas.....afterall, the body is made up of over 70% water and we should be replenishing with water multiple times per day.

Sometimes the 99 Cent or $1 Value Menus offer many lower calorie options and smaller portions!  Remember that "Supersizing" may be a good value for your pocketbook but it is not an upgrade for your health.

Looking for more on ordering your Fast Food?  Check out this article from Kids Eat Right: Fast Food

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing information

    The awareness of the fast food these days is increasing at an alarming rate due to
    its availability always and the taste. Therefore, you do not need to eat fast food
    for eating sake but you have to eat a healthy fast food
