Friday, January 9, 2015

Recipe of the Week - Tiger Fries

Tiger Fries

Not too long ago, my daughter and I went through a local drive through and the only option for a child meal included "fries."  I did not even realize that we had ordered any until the smell permeated my car as we pulled out of the drive through lane. With her impending appetite creating some chaos in the backseat, I handed her a "French fry."  She said "what's this?" I did not answer right away and as she took it from me, I told her it was "hot."  After taking the "hot" potato from me she took a bite and her next comment was "yummy!"  Bummer. Needless to say, I had tried to shelter her from fast-food fried potatoes for quite some time but even to a child with very little "fry" experience, "yummy!" is a common response. Although I am not too worried about creating a habit as that was her first experience in 2 1/2 years, I find it is nice to have a good kid-friendly "fried potato" recipe in my back pocket! Check out this Kids Eat Right Recipe for a "yummy!" potato treat.