Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monday Message - Yogurt Do's and Don'ts

Yogurt, even plain yogurt, has sugar, but it can still be a healthy choice for your child's snack or as part of a family meal when making the right yogurt choice.  Why does Yogurt have so much sugar? Read the Kids Eat Right Article here.

How do I choose the right yogurt? Three Easy Steps!

First: Opt for plain yogurt. No added flavorings or natural/artificial sweeteners.

Second: Choose yogurt with 2-4% Fat Content. Even whole milk Yogurt is an acceptable choice. Just because the commercials on TV show us that we can lose weight by eating "Fat Free" Yogurt does not mean that the the fillers such as starch, gelatin and other ingredients that we cannot pronounce are providing the gastrointestinal benefit we need from the helpful bacteria in regular yogurt.

Third: Go for the protein. Greek yogurt provides more protein because much of the whey has been strained.  Same rules above apply...choose plain varieties with a moderate fat content.

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