Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Message - Mother's Day Recipe Makeovers

There is nothing sacred about most recipes. You can give any plate a healthy makeover; the kids can even help for Mother's Day. Worried your family might notice a difference?  Check out Kids Eat Right's article on the motives behind meal makeovers here.

REDUCE – a high-calorie ingredient if it is an essential part of the final product.  Some reductions may include:
  1. Sugar in baked products – reduce by ¼ to 1/3
  2. Oil or shortening in baked products – reduce by ¼ to 1/3
  3. Egg yolks – instead of using 3 whole eggs, try 3 egg whites + 1 egg yolk
  4. Cheese in recipes – lower fat options, amount added or all together delete.

SUBSTITUTE – a low-calorie ingredient in place of a high-calorie ingredient.  Some low-calorie substitutions you can make include:
  1. Skim milk in place of whole or 2% milk
  2. Yogurt in place of sour cream or mayonnaise
  3. Blended cottage cheese in place of cream cheese or sour cream
  4. Broth in place of gravy
  5. Low-fat white sauce in place of cream soup

ELIMINATE – a high-calorie ingredient if it is included primarily for appearance or by habit, or if it is optional.  Ingredients easily eliminated are:
  1. Nuts in baked goods
  2. Olives in salads
  3. Whipped toppings and thick frostings
  4. Butter/margarine/oil as extras

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